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Stem cell hair loss treatment and how is it done?

You can definitely flaunt your baldness- if you were Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel, Bruce Willis or a newborn baby. However, if you are one of those millions of men and women experiencing complete or partial loss of hair, your mind would be full of frustration, embarrassment, and concern about your look.
In today’s world, where outer appearance is of great importance, healthy hair denotes vigor and virility in men and a sign of beauty and femininity in women. Contrarily, loss of hair is considered as the reverse of these opinions, and the world is behind finding the right treatment solution to stop hair loss.
In the race against finding proper hair loss curestem cell therapy for hair loss has shown great promise towards stopping hair shedding and promoting the growth of human hair. We should be thankful to the laboratory mice and scientists across the globe who have faith in the power of stem cells!
According to the senior investigator of the study published by the University of South California at Los Angeles, many individuals who are aging or are suffering from certain forms of autoimmune disorders, like alopecia experience hair loss and do not even undergo hair regrowth, because of the loss of regenerative ability of the cells. However, with the help of human autologous stem cells isolated from person’s own fat tissue, it is now possible to produce natural hair strands again.  The studies conducted across the globe have shown optimistic findings and have shown a great pathway towards optimizing hair loss treatment for people with baldness and alopecia.
The science behind
Stem cells are known to be as the naïve, precious cells of human bodies with the ability to differentiate into specialized cells of different lineages to produce more of their kind of cells. These cells are maintained by every adult organ to contribute to their normal turnover. According to the scientists, these stem cells can be isolated from any of those adult organs easily with the help of advanced technology and can be relocated to the areas with increasing demand.
Out of the various potent sources available in our bodies, adipose tissue is the most acknowledged, due to its easy availability, easy isolation and higher content of stem cells. In vitro studies have interestingly confirmed that these cells when grown on the laboratory Petri plates and fed with suitable growth factors, form small 3-D assemblies that are then differentiated into new hair follicles. In a similar manner, stem cells when isolated from the said sources, infused back through scalp along with patient’s own platelet rich plasma can be differentiated in vivo into different hair follicles and supportive network of cells such as keratinocytes, fibroblasts etc. to grow into new hair strands.
Promises towards hair growth
Studies have estimated the occurrence of almost 1, 00,000 to 1, 50,000 hairs on human heads. Out of which, almost 40-100 strands are shed every day due to hair loss, and the same are being replaced by new hair strands grown from the hair follicles. In case of certain genetic turbulence, environmental factors or autoimmune disorders like alopecia characterized by weak hair follicles that do not support the growth of new hair stands, baldness can be experienced.
Concurrent with the research being done, stem cells have shown to be regularizing autoimmunity, stress level, and hormonal imbalances to promote the production of healthy hair follicles, which can, in turn, can support the production of hair strands.  
Stem cell therapy for hair loss has been acknowledged to be the highly promising hair loss cure in conditions where follicles are being completely destroyed and no longer open to any steroidal medication or surgical methods.
Thus these giant strides that are being nurtured in the medical labs around the world can certainly be considered as the future of modern medicines. 


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