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A cure for Baldness: no more waiting period!

Since ancient times, hair thinning, loss of hair and complete baldness have affected significant percentage of people, irrespective of their gender. While, the problem of hair loss is choosing its victims on his own, people from all walks of life, irrespective of their gender, ethnicity, races are prone to loosing hair at any phase of their life; and when it attacks, people generally tend to struggle up to whatever extent, to find the best possible cure for hair loss or baldness.

Apparently, cosmetic industry has been evolved to produce products, claiming to prevent hair loss and reverse baldness. These products are available in all sizes and price range, considering different categorize of people; for that matter, almost each day a large number of news sources, come up with the headline, offering guaranteed cure for hair loss. Every hook and corner of many cosmetic magazines, newspaper is being filled with before and after pictures to force us to believe on their miraculous hair loss treatment. Nevertheless, a full proof treatment was not available; until, applications of stem cells explored as a possible remedy for hair fall.

In this regard, scientists worldwide are expecting to turn the possibility of stem cells therapy in curing baldness, into a reality! Positive and precisive data, gathered from various clinical evidences are claiming definitive cure for baldness, in less than three years’ time from now. However, for those, who are already experiencing some kind of hair loss issues, like hair thinning and/or baldness; should better look forward towards existing possibilities of cure through stem cells therapy.

While working towards making this expectation into a therapeutic reality; medical practitioners and cosmetic surgeons are now attempting for hair regeneration through synthesis of hair follicles from autologous stem cells. The treatment rather can be very successfully utilized for various male and female pattern baldness. Although, therapeutic potential of these mighty cells, isolated from some of the potent autologous sources, like bone marrow and adipose tissues can be routinely exploited to treat various organ specific degenerative disorders; their likely effectiveness as hair thinning, hair loss medicine; if properly implemented has proven to be a cash cow for cosmetic industry.

Studies have further confirmed that stem cells isolated from human autologous sources, when enriched in the laboratory and re-infused effectively at the site of lost follicles; along with the autologous platelet rich plasma can be converted into dermal papilla cells that are responsible for regeneration of hair follicles, thus, creating and strengthening hair strands.

As a matter of fact, various pharmaceutical giants are desperately coming up with the new hair loss solution; as they are witnessing an exponential demand for hair regrowth. However, by some or the other reasons, these solutions end up being merely sophisticated without any effective outcome and cost effectivity. Contrary to which, the seemingly positive and natural remedy of using body’s own cells, has forced many of us to believe that finally there is a definitive cure for the long-haunted problem of hair loss.

The Youthful Me


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