Hair loss has been a common concern for many people, being victims of current fast paced life style. The common hair loss issues, right from thinning of hair shafts to visibly bald scalp have been more dramatic, irrespective of gender categorization. Stress, hormonal fluctuations, vitamin and protein deficiency as well as steroidal medicines, are typically encountered to be the leading offenders for increasing evidences of hair fall. In this regard, conventional medicine has suggested many topical applications like creams, oils, live ons, etc. But people were more inclined towards other surgical options like hair transplant surgery, with the assumption of it, having higher success rate. However, in defining the percentage of success rates of hair transplants, it would be first necessary to understand, how rate of success may be linked with the possible outcome. Apparently, a transplant procedure with only visible growth of smaller fraction of transplanted hair follicles, can mere...